We have received the email below from Richard Wadey. Â Whilst it is not the most important piece of cycling infrastructure Newham needs, it is good for us to be consulted on things like this. Â If you have any ideas, please contact Richard on the email address in his note:
Dear Newham Cyclists,
 I hope you are all well.
 I am in touch as Cllr Corbett has agreed for an art-led public space project to proceed that seeks to install bespoke designed cycle racks at locations across the borough.
 The project is being led on by OpenSpace a not-for-profit arts development organisation, please see the brief attached.
 I have had a meeting with OpenSpace with suggestions of the types of locations that could do with new or enhanced cycle parking provision that could contribute to brightening up the public realm in a fun way  (library’s/community facilities/parks/stations/town centres etc) but as early as possible I would like to seek suggestions from Newham Cyclists.
 Any suggestions can be sent to cycle.training@newham.gov.uk.
 Related to this, our new additional cycling officer should be starting in September and we will be conducting a cycle parking audit/needs assessment (in addition to a cycling facilities/signage audit) asap. I plan on attending your next meeting (1st of September, Coffee7?) as I have some positive news/updates regarding Stratford Gyratory/QEOP/Royal Docks/Quietways.
 Thank you for your help,
Kind regards,