We met at Stratford Library – a new venue – thanks to Trevor Mbatha. there was the usual crowded and interesting agenda.
- Laura Shelton, a Crossrail Walking and Cycling Ambassador started us off, being available to mark bikes before the meeting. At the meeting proper she explained her role and some of her ideas for increasing cycling around stations and for staff. She explained that current policy will be for Crossrail to carry bikes – off peak- over all its lines (including the central underground tunnel.
- Richard Wadey (Newham Council Sustainable Transport Officer) unravelled how Newham was proposing to spend the £2-3m pa TfL funding to promote the Mayor of London’s Transport Policy. For details see the earlier post of the catch up meeting with him. Headlines are that the big ticket items will be for (a) progressing design of Liveable Neighbourhoods (Forest Gate North in partnership with Waltham Forest and Woodgrange Estate). These would link to TfL’s accelerated interest in tackling the Romford Rd strategic cycling corridor; (b) forwarding design for some other strategic cycle corridors and completing improvements to Greenway and its ramps (e.g. at Newham General, Upper St) and a path through West Ham Memorial Park; (c) progressing design for key junctions on TfL’s identified strategic cycling routes, particularly the Barking Rd and (d) continuing the successful training and cycle hanger programme. He also explained various potential sources of funding to convert design into actual infrastructure. This is in addition to the Freemasons Liveable Neighbourhood for which Newham’s bid was successful, and other projects on the fringe of the borough such as Ilford Hill, the crossing of the Roding at Ilford and the Ilford to Barking route.
- Trevor led discussion on the proposed “Greenway Challenge” event he was promoting on either the first or last Sunday of Bike Week. He had set up a number of partnerships already to get this event off the ground and we indicate a positive wish to help.
- Also during Bike Week we decided to seek 13 June for a Bike Week partnership event with Stratford Original to promote and celebrate the improvements brought by the removal of the Stratford Gyratory.
- Jonathan updated us on the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park and the disturbing approach of the LLDC (the Planning Authority) whose current Design Guidance includes some real cycling howlers. We are going to have to get down to detail to update them not only on current practice but also to bring to their attention the historic mistakes make in the QEOP.
- Richard Stevenson is pursing a Councillor Ride to ensure that the Newham Councillors who cycle get a better idea of what cycle infrastructure is possible and in place elsewhere.
- Partnership Rides with Clapton CFC on 27 April and Bike from Boleyn on 4 May are coming up. A chance to mix football (of your choice) with cycling. And of course our own ride season is now in full swing.
- Our Annual Meeting will take place on 29 April at the Red Lion 80 High St South East Ham 7.30pm to 9.30pm Light refreshment will be provided. Whilst predominantly a social/discussion event with guests we will have some formal business, particularly the election of Officers. Anyone who would like (or think they may like) to take a more active role in Newham Cyclists is encouraged to put their name forward. We want to continue to be a vibrant group.