Readout from November 2021 Meeting

We were again meeting via Zoom.

The Walking and Cycling Project Manager from LLDC, Monique Van Den Hurk, kindly joined us and our discussion with her occupied the main part of the meeting. She explained her role and outlined some of the forthcoming projects. These represented slow but welcome progress in correcting the disappointing original cycle provision in the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park and the Westfield area.

The discussion afterwards covered specific schemes ; but also included the more general issues of the conflict between pedestrians and cyclists in the Park, the usage of the Park for commuter and utility cycling, the need for traffic management plans for forthcoming major developments.

If you have any specific QUEP points let us know and we can pick them up with Monique and via our representation on the LLDC Strategic Active Travel Group.

In view of the forthcoming Climate Safe Streets Campaign we discussed what Newham Specific “asks” should be fed into that campaign. The results of the straw poll will be worked up by our infrastructure team and the rest of the Committee.

Other points arising:

  • LCC are refreshing their diversity and inclusion policy and will be reaching out to local groups. This will be a useful stimulus for us to consider anew our outreach and the diversity and inclusion of the group in representing the increasingly diverse range of those cycling in Newham.
  • Changes to Riverside Rd and Bisson Rd area linked to the Stratford high Street works disadvantage those cycling.
  • We have been participating in the consultations on Newham Council’s refreshment of its Local Plan in respect of transport. This has the potential to be of great benefit over the medium to long term in leveraging benefit to cycle provision from future developments in the borough. The Council’s new approach demonstrates a greater appreciation of the need to promote active travel, but could usefully tighten up on delivery.
  • We have also been liaising with the planners of the Royal Docks Enterprise Zone and the the Wider Opportunity area and its surrounding area. Again the planners show appreciation of the need to good cycle facilities. Our interventions have been aimed particularly at providing more specific detail.
  • We are looking to deliver Christmas parcels for Magpie by bike on 10 and 11 December. This is an opportunity to demonstrate and publicise the potential of sustainable delivery.
  • Our Christmas Social will take place on the evening of 13 December at the Wanstead Tap.

If you would like any more details on any of the above or on any other matter pertaining to cycling in Newham please get in touch.
