We were pleased to have Susanne Rauprich, independent chair of One Newham, as our guest. She outlined the creation and role of Sustainable Newham and the Green Fair scheduled for 1 May. We will be running a stall at that event. If you have not already volunteered and wish to participate get in touch with me.
Out ride calendar is getting into swing. There has been one local Newham Ride and there is coming up an Essex Lanes ride on 23 April and a Nature Reserves of the River Lea Ride on 14 May. The Newham Ride of 16 July has been cancelled as that is the day of the London to Southend Ride organised by Bike Events.
Our partnership with AAA is also now in full swing with another ride forthe children’s cycle club scheduled for 29 April. Again if you would like to help marshal the ride or with maintenance of the bikes and have not already volunteered please get in touch.
Out Fix Your Ride programme continued at Woodgrange Market in March. It has been going now for 5 years and is self sustaining from donations. we shall be buying some new kit; so if you have any suggestions for what is needed let us know.
The discussion extended to how we might increase our outreach throughout the borough using the Fix Your Ride model. There was support for this and various locations were suggested. Maryland is high on the list of practical priorities. However, elsewhere we do need an invite (e.g. from local councillors) to ensure a suitable space is officially available.
On infrastructure: (a) there was strong attendance at the initial phase 2 Romford Rd workshop. There will be a formal response from Newham Cyclists but individual comments should also be make on the Newham Co-create site before 16 April. (b) There was discussion on next steps in the light of the extremely poor TfL sponsored scheme for bus priority along Prince Regent Lane. (c) we are participating in the workshops developing a scheme for Beckton Riverside. (d) we are in touch with the developers of the Bow Gaswork Site and have recently given them feedback on their initial plan.
We need a volunteer to liaise with LCC Headquarters in respect of its Pathways Programme to support local groups and its active member survey. If you would be able to undertake this role please get in touch.
We agreed to set up a database of ongoing consultations and to have this as a rolling item on the agenda of future meetings.
We will hold our Annual Meeting on 24 April 2023 at the Terence Brown Arc. full agenda and documents to follow. We are aiming to have a Zoom facility available as an alternative to presence. If you wish to stand for office if would be helpful if you could give advance notice if you have not already done so.
If you would like further information on any of these items please get in touch.