Cycle Improvements list

Cycle Improvements

Olympic Park/Westfield

Where What Comment
All roads 20mph limit. Mayor of London Favours this. Response to Mayoral Question
1339/2013I can confirm that the speed limit on the Park’s roads
will be 20 mph. Individual boroughs may choose to amend the speed
limits on roads once adopted. The MPS will enforce the speed
limit, however, the park streetscape has been designed in
consultation with stakeholders using a variety of measures to
discourage speeding.LLDC indicate thatThe roads which form part of the LLDC managed estate have all
been designed and built to a 20mph standard, and we do intend to
abide by this commitment.

But Westfield section of Waterden Road is 30mph.

Ulysses Place at junction with Celebration Avenue has sign
indicating that there is a 30mph limit in Celebration Avenue.

All areas Signage to cycle routes, in particular to the main east-west
route from Temple Mill Lane East to Bridge H10.
Montfichet Rd,Waterden Rd

Celebration Ave

Toucan light phasing to be adjusted to have shorter delays
between opportunities to cross and more time to do so.
Especially important whilst there still remain two was cycle
tracks on one side of the road and “double toucan” is
the cycling solution for crossing busy junctions e.g. Celebration
Ave/Temple Mill lane East (which is by Chobham Academy).
Lea Interchange
  • Correct cycle signage
  • Toucan lights pointing in the right direction
This junction needs a complete rethink to make it acceptable
for cycling.
Bridge H10 Cycle ramp on western approach
Honour Lea Ave Priority for cycle track over minor sideroads e.g. Western
Avenue and road through Chobham mannor development.
Waterden RoadMoutfichet Ave

Westfield Ave

Honour Lea Ave

Temple Mill Lane

Cycle track on both sides of the road
Waterden Road
  • 20 mph .
  • Remove sets from cycle track.
  • Set cycle track further from curb.
As new build the cycle facility is unnecessarily unpleasant cf
Temple Mill Lane where no sets and cycle track set back slightly.
Celebration Ave
  • 20 mph.
  • Junction with Temple Mill Lane East on north side has
    cycle path and no cycling signs in the wrong position and post
    blocking cycle access.
Mountfichet Road
  • Continuous cycle lane/track, especially around bus
  • Remove signs blocking cycle tracks.
Loop Rd Open section from Copper Box/Waterden Rd – White Post Lane/
Carpenters Rd:

  • Install cycle facilities.
  • Radii at junction with White Post Lane/Carpenters Rd
    designed for fast vehicular turning.
Carpenters Road Cycle track in (opened) section is less 1.35m to middle of
white line and 1.4 m to outside.
There is no constriction as total lane width is 5m.
Hitchcock Lane Make path opposite delivery area into shared use. Gives access from Montfichet Rd to cycle parking to Stratford
International station.
International Way
  • No cycle lane in section over railway – Celebration Ave to
    Westfield Rd.
  • Section Mountfichet Rd to Celebration Ave to have
    mandatory cycle lanes.
This road is certainly wide enough to accommodate mandatory
cycle lanes.
White Post Lane Cycle provision over bridge. There should also be some restriction on vehicular speed in
this area.
Ulysses Place Two way or cycle contraflow. Access to Chobham Academy.
Penny Brook St (shown as Montfichet Rd on Google Maps) Open section to Leyton Rd:

  • Cycle lane below TfL minimum of 1.5m and should be
  • Facility of right turn into Leyton Rd southbound.
Important as Windmill Lane has been nicely upgraded to
facilitate access to Westfield from Maryland.
Liberty Bridge Rd Install cycle provision Pavements appear to be very wide.

Points to check and add:

  • Radii of corners general appear too flat.
  • Access from Greenway.
  • Warton Rd (cycle faciltites).
  • Northern Loop Rd (width of cycle lane and speed limit).
  • Southern Loop Rd (cycle facilities)
  • Eastway.
  • Ruckholt Rd (access by ramp on both sides to land bridge
    access to East Marsh).

Urban Newham

Where What Comment
CS2 – Lights for buses and cycles to be adjusted to avoid overlong
wait; and stop line for traffic on the Grove to be better linked
to the operation of these lights (as well as pedestrian crossing)-Sloping kerbs on segregated lane.-Segregation kerbs to be extended right to junctions to prevent
incursion and left hook by motor vehicles.-Remove left hook into Tramway Avenue

– Remove railing on pavement besides CS2.

Tighten corner into Cam RD and have crossing of High St
directly opposite to facilitate Cam Rd to Stratford.

-Make segregated lane two way from Cam Rd to Old Town Hall, to
facilitate access to Stratford Centre from Cam Rd.

– Correct and improve signage at end of Cam Rd.

– Bus island chicanes to be made less tight. (Put pedestrian
crossing on elevated pedestrian access?)

-Drop curb not low enough at Rick Roberts Way .

-Signs needed to show cyclists how to cross right at Rick
Roberts Way.

-lead off needed w/bound and e/bound for access to Greenway.

-Drop kerb for access to Channelsea towpath.

– U turns on stratford high St by e/bound traffic at Abbey Rd
encroahes on cycle lane.

-tighten left hook at Sugar House Lane

-Close rat run at bow flyover w/bound slip which crosses cycle
lane twice.

-Left hook into Marshgate Lane particularly dangerous because
of heavy traffic.

-Bus island on bus stop on Bow Flyover slip, e/bound.

-Sign directs cyclists to Hackney Wick via closed section of

-Warton Rd left hook suitable for new TfL treatment.

-No lead off at junction with Great Eastern St to enable
cyclists to cross toucan.

-widen e/bound bus lane from Great Eastern St to St john’s

-West Ham Lane by Old Town hall to be 2 way or have a cycle

-remove puddling.


All bus lanes 24 hrs by default. Bus lanes operate in busy periods and the extra traffic
capacity is not needed during non-busy periods. Partial bus lanes
encourage dangerous undertaking.
All cycle lanes
  • 24 hours
  • Ensure no parking
  • Mandatory unless a good reason
  • Use rumble paint to demarcate.
Single yellow lines in cycle lanes means that they are used as
car parks e.g. Mambey St, Romford Road.Forest Lane is an example of rumble paint effectively ensuring
that traffic keeps out of lane used by cyclist (although it is not
a cycle lane!).
Louise Rd Signs to Wanstead Flats and Forest Gate points in wrong
Abbey lane/Abbey Rd to Canning Road Shared use of path To give cycle access from Channelsea Path to Greenway via
Canning Road entrance, avoiding a dangerously curves section of
Abbey Rd 20mph Narrow and bendy road whihc is key for cycling.
Aldersbrook Rd, Forest View Rd and path between city of London
Cemetry and railway line.
Crossing for Aldersbrook Rd at end of Forest View Rd. Path to
be cleared of concrete and tree/bushes, surfaced and lit. it would
then be (just about) wide enough for cyclists and pedestrians
Aldersbrook Rd is main traffic route and sight lines to cross
from potential cycle route of Forest View Drive are not good.Refurbishment of pathway would provide access to both the
Roding path, the allotments and the possible bridge to York Rd
Ilford which is under consideration as part of mini-Holland CS2
Earlham Grove Improve surface. An excellent connection between Forest Gate and Stratford with
permeability features.
Leytonstone Rd/The Grove Right turning into Windmill lane cycle route needs to be
Vehicles tend to cut the corner from the Grove into Leytonstone
Cam Rd Stratford High St Make a cyclists route from Cam Rd to cross Stratford High St –
possibly toucan light outside bingo and tightening left hand
corner into Cam Rd.
A popular cycle route from Channelsea Path.
Cam Rd Drop Kerb by entrance/exit to Channelsea path A popular cycle route from Channelsea Path.
Memorial Park Gutter up stairs to Greenway unusable as it is so steep.
Stratford Regional Station connection to new CS2 Restore shared path by side of Jubilee line station. Enough room for a demarcated cycle track.
Katherine Rd, Green St,High Streets (North and South) 20mph limit Key north south cycle access routes. These are busy and
congested routes. 20mp will either not impact on traffic flow or
will actually help to smooth it out.
Percy Rd/Avondale Rd to Clarence Rd Make path through Star Park shared with drop kerbs Permeability through Canning Town
Pretoria Rd Path should be shared use but difficult to navigate cycle
barrier and at northern end there is a cycle path and a cyclists
dismount sign
This is part of the Olympic Walking and Cycling route
Entrance to Memorial Park from Grange Rd Cycle barrier too narrow. This is part of the Olympic Walking and Cycling route
Entrance to Memorial Park from Memorial Ave Route for cyclists to take out of the park unclear
Greenway Ramp onto Greeway from Channelsea Path at Abbey Road.
Greenway Ramp onto Greenway at Corporation St (Manor Road end) where
there is a car park.
Greenway Drop Kerb on Manor Rd for access to Greenway ramp
Bridge Road Make path to Abbey Lane DLR shared use with kerb drops and
removing barriers by the DLR station.
New Plaistow Rd to Church St Crossing for northbound cyclists to get into Church St to Permeability.
Church St North Make path shared use and put in drop kerbs and crossing over
Densham Rd
Corporation St Two way or cycle contraflow Permeability