Greenway horror story continues—unacceptable danger for cyclists into 2025!

A man cycles on a narrow bridge at night with a terrifying queue of cars following him.

Halloween may have been yesterday, but the Greenway nightmare is far from over. We have been informed by Newham Council that they will not be proceeding with the traffic order to remove traffic from Abbey Road—a narrow, weak bridge which isn’t on the Strategic Road Network and was never designed to carry the volume of traffic it does—after objections from the Police.

This is a terrible outcome which leaves people who rely on walking and cycling in severe danger. Near misses are extremely common. It is inevitable that at some point, one of those “near misses” won’t be a miss any more.

Keeping Abbey Road open to traffic exposes the most vulnerable road users using the cheapest modes of transport to unacceptable danger, including during next week’s Tube strikes. This failure of leadership from the Council undermines the superb work they’re doing elsewhere.

It is a matter of time before someone is seriously injured or killed on or around Abbey Road while using the Greenway diversion. We have expressed this concern repeatedly over the past months.

What now?

Short term changes

The “good” news (if we can call it that) is that the traffic calming we were promised over a month ago should finally be installed soon—it has been paid for by Thames Water, and the council are awaiting approvals from TfL’s structures team (since the bridge is over the Jubilee line and DLR.) We hope this should be imminent but feel the delivery of traffic calming has taken much too long. We are also concerned that speed cushions might make close passes by motorists more likely. We will closely monitor the situation.

We have asked for the “do not overtake cyclists” signs we were promised by Thames Water on 20th September to be installed as well. Drivers overtaking cyclists has been a common theme in almost every report we’ve had from Greenway users of a near miss.

Newham Council are also looking at signing a diversion route via Bridge Road (parallel to the DLR.) While much safer than Abbey Road, and actually more convenient for accessing Stratford and destinations to the north east, Bridge Road is nowhere near up to the standard of the Greenway, with narrow bollards at the south end limiting access. It also adds considerable delay to journeys towards Bow and central London via C2, in the region of 10 minutes.

Diversion route via Stratford High Street, Bridge Road (parallel to DLR), Bakers Row, Abbey Road, Lerwick Street, Richardson Road, Pond Road, Manor Road.
The Bridge Road diversion which Newham Council are going to sign. It’s better than Abbey Road… but a significant diversion if you’re heading west.

The long-term (but still-might-not-happen) plan

The “permanent” solution Newham are planning is to widen the southern pavement on Abbey Road to provide a 4m two way cycle route, with the northern pavement reserved for pedestrians. A single lane would be available for motor traffic, which would either be one-way or operate in alternating directions. However there are a number of issues at play:

  • The timescale for this kind of work is at least 3-6 months, even with Newham’s officers focusing on it full time. This is frankly disastrous, meaning people cycling will continue to be endangered on the Greenway diversion well into the New Year (when many people begin cycling to work for the first time, and may have a terrifying first experience)
  • Physical infrastructure will be expensive—well over £150,000. While we obviously think this is a price worth paying to avoid even one serious injury or death, Newham Council is extremely strapped for cash; that money will have to come from somewhere.
  • Stakeholders may object to any solution on Abbey Road that reduces capacity for cars. If the Police have an issue with a full closure (exempting emergency services) they may also have an issue with reducing its capacity to make way for cycling infrastructure. This is despite—as we said before—Abbey Road not being on the Strategic Road Network, never being designed for the 9000+ vehicles that use it each day, and the A112 and A12 being eminently more suitable for those volumes of traffic.

We are not aware of any progress on the mooted diversion via Crows Road, which would run through private land.

Other things we have asked about

  • We asked about speed cameras. These would likely need co-operation from TfL and the Police.
  • We asked about changing the traffic light phasing on the Abbey Road/Leywick Street junction, to split the east/west phase into 2 phases and make it easier for people cycling to turn right. This would also require collaboration from TfL.

Further feedback from Greenway users

This is another selection of some of the feedback we have received. We have tried to credit the people who provided it where we can—please let us know if this is your feedback and you would like your name added (or removed.)

I was just almost flattened by a van swinging out of the yard at the junction where the greenway is closed, and the van then proceeded to block my exit onto the bridge. On top of this, the road surface on the bridge in wet conditions is highly dangerous, especially when being forced into the kerb by close passing traffic. — Laura, via email

The right turn into Leywick Street is particularly awful – much better for Abbey Road to be closed to vehicle traffic, or single lane with traffic lights enabling cyclists to use the other lane —hilbobbling via Instagram

A driver on the bridge heading towards West Ham from Stratford way overtook me at the bridge and when he realised he’d collide with a car coming the other way he cut back in and forced me to a near crash.— Orrin, via email

It’s ridiculous. That road is known for cars speeding and then add that to when you are cycling with your family… it’s added 15 mins minimum of stress to a relaxing family friendly route… — architect_mummy via Instagram

This is my route home. It’s not safe. I’m really not looking forward to using it in the wet and the dark. —@cattleprod via twitter

There is nothing to indicate to drivers that it has become a diversionary cycle route. Drivers ignore the 20mph speed limit and there are no cameras to enforce it. — annekehodnett via Instagram

What must happen now

Newham Council need to get their act together and deliver a truly safe solution for cycling on the Greenway, fast—preferably by Christmas. Thames Water, plus other organisations such as TfL, need to help them achieve this.

This could involve:

  • Giving Newham Council’s officers the money, staffing levels, resources, and expertise necessary to accelerate delivery of cycling infrastructure on Abbey Road Bridge–preferably by Christmas;
  • Reviving the experimental traffic order with a view to permanently closing Abbey Road bridge—yet again, a narrow and weak structure that was never designed for the heavy traffic it now sees;
  • Working fast to deliver a diversion via the currently-closed Crows Road and negotiating with landowners and stakeholders to make that happened

In the immediate term: Overtaking of cyclists on Abbey Road needs to stop. The “DO NOT OVERTAKE CYCLISTS” signs that were promised need to go up within days. Speed cameras and a police presence may lead to better compliance. We will contact TfL about speed cameras. Thames Water should contribute to the capital cost of installing any cameras.

In the long term, Thames Water needs to recognise the importance of the Greenway to the community and change their planning so that nothing like this happens in future years. Providing a safe alternative for people who rely on the Greenway for their daily travel should’ve been a key dependency that was fulfilled before the Greenway was closed.

What you can do

Your photos, videos, and stories are powerful! Share them with us at or on Instagram and Twitter/X. We may soon be undertaking a larger campaigning activity in November—please let know if you want to get involved in this too, or better still, join our email newsgroup.

We naturally continue to encourage you to complain to your councillors (find out who they are here). While this decision was made by Newham Council’s officers (permanent employees) and not their elected representatives, it’s still important that you tell your councillors your concerns. It helps them gauge the strength of public feeling about the issue and press for action. If you want to make an impression, you could also write to the Mayor of Newham, Rokhsana Fiaz.

It’s also worth complaining to Thames Water quoting ref BB00472913 because none of this would have happened had they managed their assets properly & not sprung a closure of the Greenway on the Council with only a few months’ notice. We think Thames Water must fund at least part of Newham’s costs for the permanent solution.

If you feel comfortable doing so, you should report any crashes or near misses on the diversion route to the police within 24 hours. This way they’ll show up in the collision statistics. Of course, we understand that not everyone wants to report to the police for a variety of reasons. Please still tell your councillors and share your story with us.

Update on the Greenway closure – 5th October

Many thanks to all those who attend our meeting on Monday 30th September, where we presented the latest plans for Abbey Road from Newham Council. We shared your feedback and questions about the Greenway Diversion with Newham Council and Thames Water.

We were able to meet with Newham Council on Friday 4th October, and we received another update. We present the latest information below.

Update from Newham Council on Abbey Road

In order to make Abbey Road safe for cyclists and pedestrians, Newham Council are progressing 4 projects in parallel:

  1. Traffic calming – signs and speed cushions will be added to Abbey Road ‘in the next 5 days’. Cycle-friendly sinusoidal humps were investigated, but found not to be feasible on the bridge for engineering reasons.
  2. Experimental traffic order (ETO)– this will prohibit motor vehicles from using Abbey Road for the extent of the weight limit. This process takes time—emergency services need to be consulted and any concerns they have need to be addressed. The initial letter was issued on 2nd October, with responses required by 9th October. The earliest possible date that the ETO could be implemented and Abbey Road closed to general traffic is 31st October.
  3. Engineering works to provide cycling infrastructure – whilst the ETO is in place, the southern pavement on Abbey Road would be extended to 4m to provide a two way cycle route, with the northern pavement reserved for pedestrians. A single lane would be available for motor traffic, which would be one-way or two-way with a signalised shuttle. The likely timescale for this work is 3-6 months.
  4. Investigating an alternative diversion via Crows Road – there are discussions taking place, but no firm proposals as yet.

Our thoughts on the above:

  1. We feel that traffic calming on its own is an ineffective solution, but we understand that this is a temporary measure until the ETO is introduced, and many people have asked about ‘do not overtake cyclists’ signs as an interim measure. We raised the issue that speed cushions often nudge cyclists into riding too close to the kerb while encouraging drivers to straddle the cushions, making close passes more likely. We suggested an alternative implementation with half-cushions on the sides and full size cushions in the centre, inspired by the cycle street treatment on Vauxhall Street. We suspect it may be too late for our alternative to be considered, but we shall see.
  2. We have been campaigning for traffic reduction on Abbey Road whilst the Greenway diversion is in place, and we are delighted that the first steps have been taken. The ETO should be introduced as soon as legally possible in order to protect cyclists and pedestrians on Abbey Road.
  3. The proposed widened shared footway would be a safe and acceptable solution, but we are concerned about the optics of installing an expensive cycling scheme that is ripped out again in 18 months. We asked if it would be cheaper to extend the ETO for the full time that the Greenway diversion is in place.
  4. The alternative diversion via Crows Road has potential to be a great – and permanent? – cycle route, but we have no firm proposals to comment on yet.

Communication from Thames Water

Thames Water (TW) have issued a statement about the diversion, which we received on 4th October. This is summarised below.

  1. TW will be advising cyclists to use the Channelsea ramp and toucan crossing to avoid the right turn out of Canning Road.
  2. TW are sharing an alternative diversion route via Bridge Road.
  3. TW are committing to funding traffic calming measures suggested by Newham
  4. TW will change the existing diversion signage to signage attached to existing site furniture.

Our thoughts on the above:

  1. We previously advised TW that we have seen people crossing Abbey Road at the Channelsea ramp crossing. Whilst this avoids the blind corner at Canning Road, it means spending longer on Abbey Road, amongst fast moving traffic. We have also observed that some cyclists who join using the crossing then receive a punishment pass for their trouble, as some drivers perceive them as having ‘jumped the queue’. In addition, several people have raised concerns with us about drivers jumping the red lights at this crossing.
  2. We previously advised TW that the Bridge Road route is a good option for people going to Stratford, Leyton and other destinations to the east, and many people are already using this. However it adds considerable extra journey time (in the order of 10 mins) for those joining Cycleway 2 towards central London, and can almost double journey times for people accessing Pudding Mill Lane, the Olympic Park and Victoria Park. This includes the families with children who have contacted us. We also note that the Bridge Road route has a number of obstructions that make it unfit for large volumes of cyclists (the traffic on the Greenway was last measured as 3,200 cyclists per day prior to the closure, according to Newham Council). We feel that Thames Water should be funding improvements such as widening and barrier removal to the Bridge Road route if they are recommending it as a diversion.
  3. We note that on 20th September, TW wrote to Sir Stephen Timms MP as follows: “In the meantime, we are taking some short-term actions to alleviate the problem:
    • Additional time added on traffic lights under the bridge
    • Additional signage making it clear there should be no overtaking cyclists and the road is joint use (the Manor Road signs are in place and Abbey road will be added next week as specialist signs to fit the lampposts were needed)
    • Signage will be added on Canning Road and the give way line will be reinstated as it is currently faded
    • Improving the lighting under the bridge
    • Next week we will be upgrading the crossing points to include tactile paving and wider ramps.As of 4th October, none of this work has been completed and we asked TW about this on 26th September and 1st October. They responded with the communication above.
  4. Again, Thames Water said they would add semi-permanently attached signage w/c 23rd September, but there has been no movement on this to date (supposedly due to issues sourcing ‘specialist signage.’)

Our position remains that Thames Water should not have closed the Greenway until the ETO was in place.

All the measures that Thames Water say they are taking now are things that should have been organised and ready before the Greenway was closed to walking and cycling—particularly for an 18-month diversion where the closure was supposedly months in the planning. Even so, they are nowhere near sufficient to make the diversion safe for people walking and cycling, particularly during the school year.

This lack of forward planning by Thames Water has created considerable danger to which users of the Greenway have now been exposed for over 3 weeks, and will continue to experience for at least another 3 weeks due to the nature of the ETO process. We find this wholly unacceptable, and believe it was avoidable.

Manor Road

We have contacted Thames Water and Newham Council about your feedback on Manor Road. In particular you raised the issue of Manor Road pavements, which cyclists are directed onto, but these are not marked as shared use and pedestrians are understandably frustrated when they encounter cyclists. We have asked for this to be remodelled. Also you commented that the spadefuls of tarmac used to provide access to the pavements for cyclists are very narrow. We asked for these to be replaced with standard dropped kerbs.

The pedestrians/cyclists conflict has also worsened because Thames Water have narrowed the shared use pavement on Manor Road by constructing a storage unit on the pavement:

On 3rd October, Thames water told us that “The Manor Road crossing positioning will be altered following feedback from Newham – this has led to a slight delay as new traffic management plans are drawn up.” We look forward to a resolution of this issue.

Further feedback from Greenway users

This is another selection of some of the feedback we have received. We have tried to credit the people who provided it where we can—please let us know if this is your feedback and you would like your name added (or removed.)

We have also been contacted by Joyriders, who run weekly cycle sessions for teenagers who are inpatients at the mental health unit at Newham University Hospital. Their sessions are now “severely impacted” as going to the Olympic Park was one of their main routes, and Abbey Road “isn’t even an option at all!”.

Rode on the pavement as after a car overtook me at speed I decided it wasn’t worth my life to be on the road. — easthammerithome, via Instagram

I’m not able to use the greenway currently while diversion is so bad, & it’s my route to work. Come on @NewhamLondon when will there be some action on the ETO? —@helencbaron via Twitter

Thank you for your work on this. It’s so dangerous. Everytime I’ve used it I’ve been overtaken by a car on the blind hill. —@cattleprod via Twitter

The diversion onto Abbey Road is a death trap. I fear for my life everyday and have been trying hard to find another diversion that is safer. There is nothing. Abbey Road MUST be closed to cars or the Greenway is opened again. Sadly, it will only be a matter of time before there is a serious accident 🙁 —@NewMobile-p1q via Youtube

Was almost hit twice just cycling over the bridge in the rain! This really needs to be addressed urgently before someone is killed. —sophieabreu via Instagram

There’s inconvenience, and there’s real risk of injury or death. Cars get one, bikes get the other. —@Moondoox_ via Youtube

What you can do

We encourage you to complain to Thames Water quoting ref BB00472913, and copy your local councillors in too (find out who they are here.) They finally appear to be waking up to the risk of reputational damage to themselves and their contractors from the poorly-managed closure of the Greenway. We need to keep the pressure on, because we think they can and should be doing more than they are. The more people tell Thames Water how this is affecting their day-to-day lives, the stronger our voice is.

Please continue to share your pictures, videos, and stories with us at or on Instagram and Twitter/X.

If you feel comfortable doing so, you should report any crashes or near misses on the diversion route to the Police within 24 hours. This way they’ll show up in the collision statistics.

Thank you for raising your concerns with elected representatives. Two elected representatives were present at our meeting with Newham Council, and they spoke about the very powerful stories that they had received from local residents. Sir Stephen Timms MP and Uma Kumaran MP have also emailed Newham Council about the correspondence that they had received from constituents.

What needs to happen now

  • Newham Council needs to complete the delivery of the ETO to close the Abbey Road bridge to motor traffic. We expect them to make sure this happens as soon as is legally possible, i.e. by 31st October.
  • Thames Water needs to pay Newham Council’s expenses in making the Abbey Road diversion safe for walking and cycling. Agreeing to fund traffic calming on Abbey Road is better than nothing, but it’s nowhere near enough to make the diversion safe. TW should also contribute to the capital cost of advertising the ETO, installing enforcement cameras, and any longer-term solution such as cycling infrastructure on the bridge or a diversion via Crows Road.
  • Going forward, Thames Water needs to recognise the importance of the Greenway to the community and change their processes so that nothing like this happens in future years. We have been frustrated that Thames Water appears to treat the Greenway as an amenity, i.e. a “nice to have,” rather than as public infrastructure that is as important to people’s daily business as the sewer pipes running underneath it.

Cycle route changes – Bridgewater (southern approach to Olympic Park)

The Waterworks Bridge is being replaced. We have been informed by the team that work will start in September 2024 and should be complete winter 2025. During this time there will be adjustments to cycle and footpaths. Alternative routes, we are told, will be clearly marked.

A minor diversion of the cycle path on the west side of the river is required by 13 September. Subsequently, the cycle/foot path which connects the bridge with the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park (marked below as U03) will close at the end of September, and pedestrians and cyclists will be rerouted via the newly opened path (marked as U07).

We are hoping that disruption to cycling should be minimal. If you have any concerns please contact us at

Readout of July 2024 meeting

We rode from the Atherton Centre along the new Romford Road cycleways, and collected feedback from attendees. We then rode to Here East.

At the subsequent meeting we discussed:

  • The Romford Road cycleways –  generally we are very happy with the improvements  but have the following comments:
  • As we expected (and as we warned in our initial consultation response in January 2023) there’s a problem with the entrance to the cycle track after Woodgrange Road. The geometry is awkward and requires those cycling to take primary and then swerve to enter ’their’ lane.
  • The geometry of the ends of the cycle tracks makes it difficult for those cycling to re-join the carriageway.

We will ask for additional feedback via, and then send feedback to the Romford Road team.

  • Greenway closure for 18 months: we met with Newham Council (Highways and Sustainable Transport) and Thames Water earlier today and rode the proposed diversion. Our feedback was that Abbey Road is unsafe. It is possible that the road could be closed to traffic, and another possibility could be a diversion via Crow’s Bridge. We await feedback from Newham.
  • Excel – we received a complaint about cycling safety at Excel which we escalated. We have received a response from Excel which states that the waterfron route will reopen “in the autumn”. We will monitor the situation.
  • Proposed Silvertown and Blackwall tunnel tolls: we will respond to this consultation. We have already responded negatively to the ‘bike bus’ consultation and will continue to campaign for meaningful walking and cycling river crossings.
  • Woolwich foot tunnel Northern lift has been out of action for some time and one of our members has reported that there appears to be an impasse between Newham and Greenwich on cost of repairs. We contacted Newham Council. UPDATE: the councils have struck a deal to repair the lift .
  • TFL staff  questioning legitimate bike transport on the Elizabeth line, at Liverpool Street – this has been referred to LCC.

Please contact us through this site if you would like further information.

[UPDATE: Postponed] GREENWAY CLOSURE from 19/8/2024

There is a plan to close The Greenway at Manor Road Bridge for 18 months from 19th August whilst Thames Water works are completed.

A diversion has been proposed, details of which are not yet finalised. Newham Cyclists have met with Thames Water and have provided feedback.

There will be a drop in (bus) session at Canning Road Bridge on 7th and 8th August 10am-6pm where you can raise your concerns.

Please pass this information to any other interested parties.

Readout of May 2024 meeting

The meeting took place at the Olympic Park, post Freecycle ride.

Upcoming events and support required

8/6 Fix your Ride – people allocated. 29/6 school fete – do we have sufficient support for this? Forest Gate Festival 6th July  – people allocated – need to check if there is room for outreach (KF)

Planning meeting in November – items to complete

SOP for  our group – to provide visibility of roles and to allow others to take on roles.

Ride calendar (in parallel with FYR and AAA dates if possible, to avoid calendar clashes). Ideally a range of people will lead a range of rides. We can ask people if they have a ride they would like to lead, or offer them rides which require leading. We will ask LCC for ride leader and Marshall training/youth opps /safeguarding training at the local groups meeting. Possible new rides – Cambridge – with Dunwich dynamo to Morton then back from Epping.

What is the best way to share documents? Find out if everyone can edit a google spreadsheet (JR)


Bike flags we ordered – where are they? NC tabards – numbers and prices?Stickers?

Bicycle agony aunt – via the newsletter?

Cyclists breakfast – Greenway? Timing for this?


The new Infrastructure group requires a separate mailing list – Chris Kershaw to organise.

Romford Road scheme – are the old bustops being taken away?

Salway Place – is this restricted now?

Temple Mill Lane – 97 bus bridge incident – approach:

  • letter to bus garage – who?
  • Approach TfL buses – Simon has a regular meeting with TFL buses, can we use this?

Take Action: Say YES! to the Romford Road cycleway

Newham Council are consulting on their full plan for cycleways on Romford Road. This is a long-awaited extension of Cycleway 2 to the edge of Ilford.

Artsy visualisation of Romford Road with with-flow cycle tracks on either side of the road. A mother with a pram and a lady on her phone cross the street on a zebra crossing, while pedestrians and a kid with a kick scooter use the footway.

We are delighted to see the designs are super high-quality! Continuous cycle tracks. Fully protected Dutch-style junctions. More planting and trees. New sections of 24-hour bus lane. It looks similar to the Lea Bridge Road cycleway in Waltham Forest, but in some ways (e.g. at bus stops) it’s even better!

Romford Road is one of our most important main roads, and also one of the worst places in Newham to cycle at the moment. TfL’s Strategic Cycling Analysis shows there is huge demand for people to cycle here. Now’s your chance to tell Newham Council “yes please!” to high quality cycleways.

The consultation is open until Sunday 24th March. We recommend you support the scheme, and ask Newham to:

  1. Deliver cycle tracks on Romford Road in full and as quickly as possible, without compromising on protection, width, or junction design
  2. Co-ordinate with the Redbridge to allow the cycleway to continue to Ilford town centre
  3. Future-proof the scheme for low traffic neighbourhoods on the nearby side streets, and for cycle tracks on the main roads that cross it—everyone deserves to live on a street that’s safe for cycling

We’ve posted our own response below for your reference, but remember: your own views and experiences will carry the most weight in consultations.


Christmas Lights Ride

Thanks for coming to the Christmas Lights Ride! It was very busy but we managed to see all the best displays. Kudos to Robin for a quick puncture repair and photos, to Steve for leading, to Anita and Ken for marshalling, and to all for completing the ride. More photos available here:


Everybody needs good neighbours!

Our neighbours in Tower Hamlets need support!

Many of us cycle into Central London via the Tower Hamlets cycling network.

However “Mayor Lutfur Rahman has taken the most extreme, undemocratic and dangerous decision available to him. He has decided to rip out all the walking and cycling infrastructure in Bethnal Green. “

“Save Our Safer Streets” is fighting back.

Find out more below. Can you help our neighbours?