We supported a ride, instigated by Councillor Blaney and Richard, for Newham Councillors to see the Mini-Holland developments in neighbouring Waltham Forest.
There was a good turnout of about 10 Councillors including the Mayor and the relevant cabinet members. We are grateful to Waltham Forest campaigner Paul Gasson for leading the ride and providing technical input; and especially Clyde Loakes, Deputy Leader of Waltham Forest Council who spoke from the political angle and answered a raft of questions.
The objective of the ride was to demonstrate on the ground the broad range of community and health benefits that quality cycle provision brings; and in particular how Liveable Neighbourhoods can be implemented. Newham has succeeded in securing TfL funding for a Liveable Neighbourhood in Custom House and has developed progressive plans for one on the borders with Waltham Forest.
As a bonus the weather was excellent.
Along the journey we stopped at the Leyton Cycle Hub;

and Francis Rd.

We cycled a section of the transformed Lea Bridge Rd;

and experienced neighbourhoods which are filtered to exclude through traffic and provide pocket parks.

After a well deserved coffee break in central Walthamstow , we all returned to Newham on an off-road route through the Wathamstow and Hackney Marshes, and the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park.
A very pleasant and sociable ride which we hope and believe will help promote the development of quality cycle provision in Newham.
For a full range of photos taken by Robin see: https://www.flickr.com/gp/rsstephenson/UUF75Q