Notes of Meeting 24th June 2019

Thanks to Steve for the meeting notes & Olawale for photos!

10 of us rode from the “Rhubarb” statue in Stratford to Here East. The focus was on MSG Sphere issues in Angel Lane and Montfichet Road. As several member of the the group took photos we agreed to send ride photos to Kerena for uploading.

Sphere consultation response: The planning proposal for the sphere and NC’s response to this planning application was discussed and our objections based on transport issues only:

1 Generation of excessive car traffic

2 Monfitchet Road inadequate contingency plans

3 Strategic cycling analysis showing high potential Angel Lane are compromised

The full response details are on the NC website Please note that individual responses are required and there is a link on NC website to a standard email for sending a personalised response

Leafleting against proposal was discussed and some members may pursue this


This event is scheduled for 3rd August and is likely to be the most well attended ride of the year, therefore we need as many many members as possible to volunteer to marshal this ride. Training is provided by LCC so please contact Steve Smith if you are interested. The route is to be confirmed, but the plan is to use CS13 and approach the rendezvous point from the north east.

FYR at FG Festival 6 July

NC will have a “Fix Your Ride” stall and we need members to join us as we will be busy.

Feedback on Councillors’ Ride

Councillor Blaney gave feedback – This was a tour NC organised whereby Newham councillors saw Waltham Forest (WF) mini Holland improvements. All were very impressed although many were already sympathetic to such transport and environmental changes. However, as many councillors cannot cycle it was suggested that walking tour to be arranged via Living Streets will widen support for copying these schemes.

LCC Local Groups quarterly meeting – Camden and Southwark quarterly social event agreed cost circa £30

IBikeLondon forum

Likewise there was a positive response to the idea of a forum to share cycling ideas and events


Bernard suggested a new Newham Parks Ride to be scheduled for August

Brewery ride starting at 11am on Saturday 29th June, marshals needed please contact Bill

School Streets consultation has started – this environmental scheme will be camera enforced – Olawale to draft NC school streets response

Cody dock rolling bridge crowdfunding – NC to support