14 July was the new summer date for our traditional 25 mile ,off road (mostly) saunter to Rainham Marshes and Upminister. The weather was no better than on our previous September/October rides – but we escaped any rain (but suffered one puncture)..
The route was as interesting as ever.
- We saw some frantic working on the northern section of the Greeway in preparation for its opeing the following day after being closed for more than a decade.
- There are signs of the massive development of Barking Riverside.
- We had a short stop in Rainhm Hall – the subject of an interesting blog by Diamond Geezer on 18 July.
The following Saturday we did some bike fixing at the AAA Fun Day. The all-ability bikes are particularly vulnerable to malfunction and present a challenge to repair. Nevertheless we ensured that a couple more would be available.
Other news:
- Our next AAA ride is this Saturday 27 July leaving 10.30 from the Arc – see rides.
- We have submitted strong support for the 5 pilot School Streets. These are all relatively easy to implement. We have suggested extending the scope in some cases and commented that they should be a stepping stone to proper Liveable Neighbourhood schemes.
- There is an important current consultation on the “Greater Carpenters Neighbourhood Plan” – an area important for cycling and walking connections to the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. The plans look – typically for the LLDC – deficient.
- There is a current consultation on closing the bridge at Browning Rd to through traffic to lessen rat running in Manor Park.
- We looked with TfL and Newham Council at the the Romford Rd corridor.
- The consultants for the developers of the MSG Square have contacted us after our objection to their seriously deficiant plans after our objection had been lodged. However they have not yet been able to indicate that they would contemplate changing them (and they are likely to be supported by the LLDC Planning team); nor have they shown any interest in a site visit to look again at the cycling angle.
- We understand and hope that Newham Council are looking again at their original (poor) proposals for the Greengate St/Barking Rd junction.
- Our next meeting is 29 July – an short evening ride followed by a chance for some informal discussion – see events.
- LCC are holding a social at at 6:00PM in Look Mum No Hands (49 Old St, London EC1V 9HX). All are welcome.
- Steve has devised an exciting new route for our feeder to the Freecycle on 3 August. More marshals would be greatly approciated for this event which is both fun and important in promoting cycling.
- I will be leading a feeder ride to a cycle fun event in Greenwich Park on 17 August – see rides.