A packed agenda stimulated some lively discussion.
- Mike updated on the Greenwich and Woolwich footunnels, . We will pursue with Newham Council the updating of the bye-laws – which include pilot schemes permitting cycling, but may need adjustment to accommodate non-standard cycles.
- Steve led discussion on rides. The last ride of the year with the AAA children’s cycle club will take place on 3 November with (possibly) a ride to the Fireworks later that evening, and a short Newham Ride with a heritage theme on 11 November.
Steve is working on next year’s ride calendar. The starting point will be this year’s rides, which have been successful in particular in attracting participants from outside Newham. We are looking for a broad range of ride leaders and can arrange training through LCC. If you have a ride you would be able to lead get in touch.
- We celebrated our campaigning award on Stratford Town Centre (note, no longer a gyratory), particularly for Olawale who was not at the the LCC AGM to receive it.
The scheme has rightly been recognised for its quality. Some construction issues were highlighted and a further audit ride is planned. In the longer term we need to remain alert on 20mph, conflicts with pedestrians, and rat running in the margins of the scheme.
- We are planning a audit ride for Quietway 22 (the Greenway), and discussed out continuing concerns with Quietway 6, across the north of the Borough which still under development .
- We highlighted points to raise with Newham Council’s Sustainable Transport Officer (which will be posted separately following a meeting with him.)
- Finally :
(a) Bike for Boleyn are holding a Quiz Night on 23 November at East ham Working Mens Club, 7.30pm.
(b) Waltham Forest have expressed a desire to associate with our initiative on the QE Olympic Park – there being a meeting of the LLDC Sustainable Transport Group following July’s audit ride shortly.