We have been asked to participate in trials of a new system allowing cyclists to ride through these two tunnels.
Greenwich and Woolwich foot tunnels go smart
Cyclists using the foot tunnels in Greenwich and Woolwich should check the overhead sign to see when they should walk their bikes. A new computer vision based system can now identify the numbers of walkers, and cyclists in the tunnel, and display messages to ask cyclists to dismount only when pedestrian levels are high.
An initial trial period is currently underway and messaging will be adjusted over the coming weeks. Please support this trial by walking your bike when the sign says to, and help demonstrate that the tunnels can permanently operate as a shared space.
Please also download and use the BetterPoints app to track your journeys through the tunnel. You will be rewarded with BetterPoints for all of your walking and cycling trips, with bonus points when you walk your bike through the tunnel. Points are redeemed for high street vouchers or charity donations. We will also be running a prize draw every month, and you will earn a prize entry for every recorded trip.
Visit techtunnels.betterpoints.uk for more information and look out for us at events we will be running at the tunnel throughout the summer.
Download the free app and get started.