15 of us gathered at Coffee E7 for the annual meeting , fortified by a buffet.  We benefited from the presence of Richard Wadey -Sustainable Transport  Officer for Newham Council and Councillor David Christie, both of whom have gone out of their way to consult over the previous year.  We are grateful for their support.
On the formal side the annual accounts and report were adopted (see earlier post). Bill’s oral presentation of a budget for next year was similarly approved.
Elected onto the Committee were:Â Kerena Fussell and Arnold Ridout, as joint Chair; Bill Bremner as Treasurer and Olawale Ajibola as Cycling Schemes Lead.
Richard gave a talk on the application of TfL’s Cycling Levels of Service (CLOS) assessment. Â Right click on the link below for a copy of his presentation.
Cycling in Newham – Cycling Levels of Service (CLoS)
It emerged that Newham has a  high level of walking and public transport use, but a relatively low (but significantly increasing) level of cycling.
CLOS is likely to be a useful tool.  It is instructive how low the score was for the proposed Upton Corridor scheme, to which we have lodged formal objections (see earlier post).
This opened up a series of open discussions ranging from the lift failures in the Woolwich Foot Tunnel to our website and communications to our proposed rides for the forthcoming year (the next being a Newham Ride on 4 April).
Some future guidance emerged:
- The CLOS can  be incorporated into our campaigning.
- We need to publicise our objections to schemes on our website.
- We need to contact our local Councillors and respond to consultations as individuals as numbers count.
- We need to increase our liaison with pedestrian groups.
- There is a gap in our communications in the absence of a platform for discussion.