We were only five on this beautiful ride in the September sunshine. The ride was medium difficulty with some steep but not long hills on mostly quiet country lanes
Thanks to Robin for the photos
Tag: Essex
Essex lanes ride 23 April
The weather forecast was rainy although the morning started bright as we met at Leytonstone station to catch a train to Epping to start the ride
We were six setting off from Epping station finding the quiet ways through the spring green countryside. The route tracked north east to Toot Hill taking in a few hills to warm up. After crossing the A414 at Bobbingworth the roads grew quieter with fewer hills. We went through Moreton, (1st stop on the DunRun), towards Matching Green.

Given the weather I took a detour, via Little Laver, to avoid the Ford which can become impassable in the wet. Ironically Robin and Jonathan took a chance on the Ford and it turned out to be drier than the detour….So we rendezvoused at Matching Green, some of us with wet feet. Turning left off Downhall Road led us past the pretty church of St Mary’s where we stopped for a photo

We continued on the bridleway past Matching Hall and to our lunch stop at the Fox in Matching Tye. Refreshed we took the lovely Faggoters lane south towards High Laver and back across the A414 at Tyler’s Green, avoiding the busy roundabout
Taking the back route into North Weald we detoured to the old railway station to see how public transport used to look

The route back to Epping was a reminder of how many B roads are less pleasant for cycling, we we even close passed by a police car.
Below is the route and statistics for this ride. The next ride is the Newham Nature Reserve Ride on 14 May, put it in your diary
Essex Lanes Ride
The Essex Lanes Ride is a 25 mile exploration of Essex country lanes between Epping and matching Tye/Matching Green.
The ride is mostly along quiet roads, but there are some busier sections. There are some hills so it requires a moderate level of fitness. We will be catching the Central line from Leytonstone station to Epping. It will be possible to meet us at Epping.
Please do not turn up to this event if you are displaying symptoms of Covid-19. The safety of our volunteers and participants is key to us.
The ride is not suitable for minors.
The ride is limited to 15. to guarantee a place please book on Eventbrite:
Nuclear Bunker Ride Report
The weather forecast was predicting rain and some strong winds so the destination of a well insulated, dry and extremely safe bunker seemed perfect.
As usual we met at Leytonstone station cafe and took the tube to Epping, to start the ride. Although wet, the weather was not too bad and nine of us took to the hills, Toot Hill in fact. On our way out we passed riders from the Hainault Roads cycling club completing a hilly 50k time trial. Note that we only passed them as they were coming the other way…

Near Navestock we had our only puncture, but this was soon fixed and we were on our way. Once again we entered the secret bunker via Beacon Hill, ignoring the warning signs, and parked our bikes next to the missiles for extra security. Following the coffee break we continued to Kelvedon Hatch and then to Stondon Massey and the Bricklayers Arms for the lunch stop. Refreshed we headed into the wind, although the rain had stopped, towards Ongar. This well cycled path took us past Greensted Church, back to Toot Hill and the rollercoaster. The advantage of the hills is that we were all warm as we concluded the ride at Epping. The time triallers were all long finished by then but we had enjoyed our route at a slower pace and witnessed the changing times as the secret place of greater safety for five hundred has become a museum .

As always, thanks to Robin for his excellent photos – https://www.flickr.com/photos/rsstephenson/albums/72157690137332453
Rainham Marshes Ride
Arnold’s annual ride to the RSPB reserve is a little earlier this year. Hopefully this will not interfere with the traditional great weather!
Earlier start to enable a return in time for the World Cup Final.
09.00 from Woodgrange Market/09.30 from View Tube
Secret Nuclear Bunker Ride
Ride through Essex Lanes to the ‘Secret’ Nuclear Bunker. Medium difficulty. (In the past, Steve has said there were no hills… this is not true!!)
Meet at Leytonstone station cafe, (east side) at 9:30, bring Oyster cards. We will take the train to Epping, then ride via Toot Hill and Navestock to Kelvedon Hatch and the secret bunker.
Greensted Church Ride
Ride to Mundon Oaks – CANCELLED
Sadly we have had to cancel this ride due to engineering works making the required train journey impossible.
Ride to Much Hadham
Secret Nuclear Bunker Ride
Ride through Essex Lanes to the ‘Secret’ Nuclear Bunker. Medium difficulty. (Last year Steve said there were no hills… this was not true!!)
Meet at Leytonstone station cafe, (east side) at 9:30, bring Oyster cards. We will take the train to Epping, then ride via Toot Hill and Navestock to Kelvedon Hatch and the secret bunker. We can go to the Bricklayers Arms in Stondon Massey for lunch, returning via Greensted church to complete the historical tour. About 28miles, some hills.